
Our networking and exhibition hall, IP Marketplace is back with refreshed programmes and line-up of activities! Visit our hall on 27 - 28 August to meet and connect with exhibitors, IP experts and like-minded budding entrepreneurs, creators and innovators. Registration is complimentary.

Stay tuned to this page as we bring to you the latest updates. Note that the programme is subject to changes, subject to the organiser’s discretion.

Note: Existing GFIP pass holders have automatic access to IP Marketplace.


Programme ________________

Programmes and presentations for start-ups, innovators and content creators.

Showcase _____________________

Showcase of IP Awards Hall of Fame and more to come.

Meeting / Networking _____________________

Meet and learn about the offerings by our partners, including sponsors and exhibitors.

Receive complimentary consultations at Connect @ GoBusiness IP Grow, a meeting place for you to meet with IP service providers.


Day 1, 27 August 2024 | Tuesday
9.00 – 10.00am

Registration, Networking and Morning Coffee

Pick up your personality sticker to personalise your badge!

10.00 – 11.00am

Sneak Peek - Live Stream of Global Forum on IP® (GFIP®) Opening Ceremony

Welcome Remarks


Mrs Rena Lee
Chief Executive
Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS)

Opening Address by Guest-of-Honour


Mr Edwin Tong SC
Minister for Culture, Community and Youth and Second Minister for Law

WIPO-IPOS IP for Innovation Awards



Mr Daren Tang
Director General
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

For the full GFIP progamme, visit here.

11.00 – 11.15am

Tea Break and Introduction of IP Marketplace by Emcee

11.15 – 11.30am


11.30 – 12.00pm

Sneak Peek – Live Stream of GFIP session “The Future of IP: Trailblazing or Trailing Tech Disruptions?

The rapid advancement of technologies such as generative AI, distributed ledger and augmented reality has significant impact on the global economy and innovation systems. By 2030, the total market value of such technologies is predicted to reach $9.5 trillion, a six-fold increase from 2020.

How might IP offices discharge their traditional roles as IP regulators in the face of technological disruptions and challenges? Should IP policies trailblaze or trail technological breakthroughs? This plenary explores the evolving mission of IP offices in supporting wider national economic and innovation policies in the era of rapid technological advancements.

For the full GFIP progamme, visit here.

12.00 – 12.15pm

Sharing – When Code Creates: Issues and Insights at the Intersection of AI and IP

Singapore’s second National AI Strategy recognises AI as a potent force that can uplift human potential. The rapid rise of AI technologies has raised numerous issues in the IP realm.

Can AI be recognised as an author or inventor? Does the training of AI systems infringe copyright? The discussions around the world are captured in a report by IPOS and the SMU Centre for AI & Data Governance. Key highlights from the report will be shared in this session.



Mr Teh Joo Lin
Senior Legal Counsel, Legal

12.15 – 12.30pm

Sharing - An Inventor’s journey to filing his first Patent

Innovation is the father of necessity. Unable to find a pacifier that would not require frequent washing even with his child’s multiple attempts to fling it on the floor, Matt Chiu decided to create one himself. Hear from our latest inventor, Matt Chiu, who filed for his first patent to protect his invention, and received pro-bono guidance as part of the WIPO-IPOS Inventor Assistance Programme (IAP).



Mr Matt Chiu
Award-winning Designer
PhD Candidate

12.30 – 1.00pm

Panel - Harness the Power of Self-Generated IA/IP
As Part of GoBusiness IP Grow

In business, the strategy "Know thy enemy; Know thyself; Know thy market" is vital for success. Understanding a company's strengths and increasing competitiveness are key to becoming a market leader. Many contemporary businesses derive significant value from self-generated IP and intangible assets (IA).

In this session, Grant Thornton, along with their clients, Websparks Pte Ltd and GrowthDesk, will share how businesses can leverage these assets to enhance stakeholder understanding and boost overall business value, thereby unlocking financing opportunities.

Join this interactive session to discover valuable insights and possible solutions for overcoming the challenges SMEs face in seeking IP and business financing.



Ms Josephine Hong
Head of Valuation Advisory
Grant Thornton Singapore



Mr Ng Chee Chiu
Founder and Director
Websparks Pte Ltd


Ms Sia Yuet Huey
Founder and CEO

1.00 – 2.00pm


2.00 – 2.30pm

Sharing – IP Awards Hall of Fame

Our esteemed winners of this year’s WIPO-IPOS IP for Innovation Awards would share their journey and how IP has helped propel their business growth.

2.30 – 3.30pm


3.30 – 4.00pm

Panel - IP as A Value Driver for Business
Organised by Dennemeyer

The contribution of IP to the company’s business success is still underestimated and very often not well communicated. C-levels and other stakeholders are aware of the need for IP protection, but sometimes still see IP rights primarily as a cost factor. However, sophisticated IP management creates true value, either directly through commercialization or indirectly through the protection of revenues from products and services. In this discussion, experts share their experiences and best practices on the topic.



Mr Johannes Herbert
Senior Product Manager
Dennemeyer Consulting



Dr. Enno D. Bibow
Senior Manager
Dennemeyer Consulting


Mr Justin Fun
Head of IP, Asia Pacific
Schaeffler Group


Dr. Olivia Koentjoro
Senior Director IP, Head of IP Analytics Center of Excellence
Applied Materials

4.00 – 5.30pm

Podcast Broadcast - Curious About IP

Curious About IP is a new podcast series by IPOS International that delves into current IP issues at the crossroads of technology and business. Created in partnership with industry IP experts, this podcast aims to spark important dialogue around IP matters.

The series debuts with three topics – social commerce, going global generative AI and features TikTok, Mighty Jaxx, and Google, sharing insights from their industries.

  • Episode 1 - Social Commerce with TikTok (IP issues in social commerce and tips to businesses starting out on e-commerce platforms)
  • Episode 2 - Going Global with Mighty Jaxx (Expanding overseas and how IP comes into play)
  • Episode 3 - Generative AI with Google (GenAI and copyright, tips to protect oneself from infringement)



Day 2, 28 August 2024 | Wednesday
8.30 – 9.30am

Registration, Networking and Morning Coffee

Pick up your personality sticker to personalise your badge!

9.30 – 10.00am

Sneak Peek –  Live Stream of GFIP session “The Crossroads of IP: Man or Machine in the Age of AI?

2023 was undoubtedly the breakout year for artificial intelligence with the advent of Generative AI. In the preceding five years, more than half a million AI-related patent applications were filed in the US alone. AI is projected to contribute up to US$15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030. Whilst AI continues to power innovations and transform the way we work and live, the technology has also raised several questions regarding the traditional application of IP laws.

Various stakeholders stand gathered at the crossroads of AI and the IP regime as the development of AI reaches an inflection point. Might AI be recognised as a creator? Must creators only be human? Is it tenable for the IP system to continue supporting AI innovation while holding on to the tenet that only human beings can be inventors, designers, authors and creators? Join us as this plenary discusses the multi-faceted issues contemplating the IP system in the age of AI.

For the full GFIP progamme, visit here.

10.00 – 11.00am

Inspiration behind the Designs and Stories: IP Untold

Join us for an exclusive fireside chat with trailblazers local visual artist @tobyato and filmmaker, actor and singer-songwriter @annettelee, as we uncover how their personal experiences have shaped their creations and story-telling content. Learn about the importance of IP in protecting their work and collaborations to commercialise their work. Moderated by Paul, this session aims to inspire young budding creators who are looking to make an impact in Singapore and globally.



Mr Paul McClelland
Head of Legal, IP Academy
IPOS International


Visual Artist.png

Visual Artist


Ms Annette Lee
Singaporean filmmaker, actor, and singer-songwriter

11.00 – 11.30am


11.30 – 12.00pm

Panel - Maximising Business Value through IP – Expert Insights and Strategies
As Part of GoBusiness IP Grow

Join us for an engaging session that explores how tailored IP strategies can drive innovation, protect assets, and help businesses become market leaders. Deloitte will share insights from their partnership with Yinson GreenTech (YGT), the green technologies business unit of Yinson Holdings Berhad, highlighting their strategic goals in prioritising IP management and harnessing IP to fuel innovation.

The discussion will cover factors influencing YGT’s dedication to protecting IP and their experiences in overcoming IP-related obstacles. It will also explore their forward-looking strategies for leveraging IP assets to foster sustainable growth and establish leadership within the competitive green technology sector.



Ms Michelle Tan
Executive Director
Deloitte Southeast Asia


Mr Rishi Ganiswaran
Head of Legal (Technology) and Chief Privacy Officer
Yinson Group of Companies

12.00 – 12.30pm

Sharing - Getting your Trade Mark right on IPOS Go app and IPOS Digital Hub

Trade marks represent a company’s goodwill and assurance of quality. Yet some are unaware of the benefits and processes to protecting their trade marks.

Join us as we share with you tips on how you can get your brands protected in Singapore, through our mobile app IPOS Go and e-services portal, IPOS Digital Hub. We will also share with you the features on how you can conduct a quick brand search on the app and file for protection as fast as 10 minutes!



Mr Teo Rui Yuan
Trade Mark Examiner, Registry of Trade Marks

12.30 -2.00pm


2.00 – 3.30pm

Panel - Polish Your Copyright Know-How for Creative Business
in collaboration with VICPA (Visual, Audio, Creative Content Professionals Association Singapore)

Whether you're a seasoned freelancer or just starting out, this fireside chat offers valuable insights for freelancers navigating the intricacies of copyright in the creative industries. Our panel of industry and IP experts will share their perspectives on trending topics, address your queries and help you gain practical tips and a deeper understanding of copyright protection to manage and safeguard your creative work. Join us for an enriching experience essential for freelancers aiming to thrive in the dynamic landscape of creative industries!



Ms Laura Kee
Actress, Emcee, VO Artist


Visual Artist.png

Mr James Tan
VICPA President
Master Printmaker: Color Management Specialist and Educator

Visual Artist.png

Mr David Siow
Director, Steady State Records
Music Export Professional

Visual Artist.png

Mr Paul McClelland
Head of Legal
IPOS International

3.30 – 4.00pm


4.00 – 5.30pm

Sneak Peek – Live Stream of GFIP session Panel 4A “The Right Price: Capturing the Full Value of Intangibles”

Seven U.S. tech behemoths, affectionately named the “Magnificent Seven”, single-handedly drive the rise and fall of the S&P 500 in recent times. They are leaders in cutting-edge technology and their market dominance reflects the substantial share of value driven by intangible assets in the modern economy. As intangible assets such as Artificial Intelligence and other frontier technology play an increasingly important role in modern value creation, the valuation ecosystem and profession need to keep pace. What would it take to achieve credible and trusted intangible asset valuation? Do we need to enhance the intangible asset information available to valuers, build intangible asset valuation guidelines, align practices across markets or others? Join experts on this panel as they discuss what it would take to get the price or value right for intangible assets.

For the full GFIP progamme, visit here

5.30 – 6.00pm

Closing Reception and Announcement of Patent Olympiad Winners




This year, IPOS’ booth celebrates our IP award winners, local creators and innovators. Swing by our booth to learn how others have incorporated IP as part of their innovation and branding journey, and how you can get a good step ahead!



Meet and learn about the offerings by our partners, including sponsors and exhibitors.
Receive complimentary consultations at Connections @ GoBusiness IP Grow, a meeting place for you to meet with IP service providers.

Our Exhibitors


Clarivate™ is a leading global provider of transformative intelligence. We offer enriched data, insights & analytics, workflow solutions and expert services in the areas of Academia & Government, Intellectual Property and Life Sciences & Healthcare. For more information, please visit Clarivate.com.


The Dennemeyer Group offers high-quality services for the protection and management of Intellectual Property rights and is committed to being the first-choice partner for customers globally. With 60 years of experience in the industry and 20+ offices worldwide, Dennemeyer manages over three million IP rights of around 8,000 customers. Organizations with even the largest, most diverse IP portfolios turn to the Dennemeyer Group for reliable protection, administration and management of their most valuable assets. In addition to a full spectrum of IP-related legal services, Dennemeyer offers IP strategy consulting, comprehensive IP management software, IP payment services and cutting-edge patent search and analysis tools.


The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) is a statutory board established in 1966 to promote, assist and develop Hong Kong’s trade. The HKTDC organises international exhibitions, conferences and business missions to create business opportunities for companies, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), in the mainland and international markets. The HKTDC also provides up-to-date market insights and product information via research reports and digital news channels.

Developed and managed by the HKTDC, Asia IP Exchange (AsiaIPEX) is a free online platform and database showcasing intellectual properties around the globe, the portal aims to facilitate international IP trade and connection for global IP players.


Marks & Clerk Singapore LLP is part of the Marks & Clerk Group with 17 offices around the world.

We are a leading Intellectual Property firm of Registered Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys, who are highly regarded locally as well as globally and our large team enables us to offer clients a large range of intellectual property expertise. Within our team of technically qualified patent attorneys, we have a wide range of specialisms, meaning we can advise on any kind of technology, from electronics, software (including AI) to biochemistry to materials.


About NUS
The National University of Singapore (NUS) is Singapore’s flagship university, which offers a global approach to education, research and entrepreneurship, with a focus on Asian perspectives and expertise. We have 16 colleges, faculties and schools across three campuses in Singapore, with more than 40,000 students from 100 countries enriching our vibrant and diverse campus community. We have also established our NUS Overseas Colleges programme in more than 15 cities around the world.

Our multidisciplinary and real-world approach to education, research and entrepreneurship enables us to work closely with industry, governments and academia to address crucial and complex issues relevant to Asia and the world. Researchers in our faculties, research centres of excellence, corporate labs and more than 30 university-level research institutes focus on themes that include energy; environmental and urban sustainability; treatment and prevention of diseases; active ageing; advanced materials; risk management and resilience of financial systems; Asian studies; and Smart Nation capabilities such as artificial intelligence, data science, operations research and cybersecurity.

For more information on NUS, please visit www.nus.edu.sg

About NUS Enterprise

NUS Enterprise, the entrepreneurial arm of the National University of Singapore, plays a pivotal role in advancing innovation and entrepreneurship. We promote and cultivate entrepreneurship through experiential learning, ecosystem development, and technology translation and commercialisation.

Developed and managed by the HKTDC, Asia IP Exchange (AsiaIPEX) is a free online platform and database showcasing intellectual properties around the globe, the portal aims to facilitate international IP trade and connection for global IP players.

For more information on NUS Enterprise, please visit www.enterprise.nus.edu.sg


Questel is a true end-to-end intellectual property solutions provider serving 20,000 organizations in more than 30 countries for the optimal management of their IP assets portfolio. Whether for patent, trademark, domain name, or design, Questel provides its customers with the software, tech-enabled services, and consulting services necessary to give them a strategic advantage.


The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is the global forum for intellectual property (IP) services, policy, information and cooperation. We are a self-funding agency of the United Nations, with 193 member states.

Our mission is to lead the development of a balanced and effective international IP system that enables innovation and creativity for the benefit of all. Our mandate, governing bodies and procedures are set out in the WIPO Convention, which established WIPO in 1967.

More to come!


Designed to facilitate and connect enterprises with IA/IP solutions, Connect @ GoBusiness IP Grow is a meeting place where enterprises can meet with IP experts and service providers to receive complimentary advice on IP-related matters across 4 main categories:


