
Two-day multi-disciplinary forum where business leaders, policy makers, heads of IP offices, lawyers and academics from Singapore, larger Asia-Pacific region and the world converge to discuss and debate cutting-edge issues surrounding IP in the innovation cycle.

Interested to speak at the event? Connect with us at [email protected].


5 Public CPD Points for Day 1, 6 Public CPD Points for Day 2
Practice Area: Intellectual Property
Training Level: Advanced

SILE Attendance policy of this event:
Participants who wish to obtain CPD Points must comply strictly with the Attendance Policy set out in the CPD Guidelines. For this activity, participants are reminded to sign in on arrival and sign out at the conclusion of each day of the event in the manner required by the organiser. Participants must not be absent from each day of the event for more than 15 minutes. Participants who attend Day 1 and comply strictly with the Attendance Policy on that day may obtain 5 Public CPD Points. Participants who attend Day 2 and comply strictly with the Attendance Policy on that day may obtain 6 Public CPD Points. Participants who do not comply with the Attendance Policy on any particular day of the event will not be able to obtain CPD Points for that day. Please refer to for more information.


*Programme is subject to changes

Day 1, 27 August 2024 | Tuesday




Welcome Remarks by Chief Executive, IPOS


Mrs Rena Lee
Chief Executive
Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS)


Opening Address by Guest-of-Honour


Mr Edwin Tong SC
Minister for Culture, Community and Youth and
Second Minister for Law


WIPO-IPOS IP for Innovation Awards


Keynote Remarks by Director General, WIPO


Mr Daren Tang
Director General
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)


Tea Break


Plenary 1 – The Future of IP: Trailblazing or Trailing Tech Disruptions?

The rapid advancement of technologies such as generative AI, distributed ledger and augmented reality has significant impact on the global economy and innovation systems. By 2030, the total market value of such technologies is predicted to reach $9.5 trillion, a six-fold increase from 2020. How might IP offices discharge their traditional roles as IP regulators in the face of technological disruptions and challenges? Should IP policies trailblaze or trail technological breakthroughs? This plenary explores the evolving mission of IP offices in supporting wider national economic and innovation policies in the era of rapid technological advancements.



Ms Dawn Tan
CNA Presenter



Mrs Rena Lee
Chief Executive
Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS)


Mr Ono Yota
Japan Patent Office (JPO)

Xaysomphet Norasingh.png

Mr Xaysomphet Norasingh
Chair of ASEAN Working Group on IP Cooperation and Director General, Department of Intellectual Property, Ministry of Industry and Commerce,

Mr_Etienne Sanz de Acedo

Mr Etienne Sanz de Acedo
International Trademark Association (INTA)



Business Track

Legal Track


Panel 1A – The Intangible Investment: Assets vs Liabilities

With an estimated global value of US$62 trillion, intangible assets (IA) are a cornerstone of today’s innovation-driven economy. While businesses and investors unfamiliar with IA may view it as a liability, forward-looking investors around the world have started recognising the value that IA/IP brings to businesses. Globally, financial institutions such as the Business Development Bank of Canada, Aon, and NatWest have launched innovative products which support enterprises’ access to capital through IA/IP. In Asia, IP financing has grown significantly over the years, particularly in markets such as China and Korea. For example, IP-pledged lending in China has grown to US$67 billion in 2022, at an average annual growth rate of 28.4% since 2016. In Korea, the IP financing market is expected to exceed US$14 billion by 2026. How might IA/IP aid investors and enterprises in financing decisions? Are intangibles an asset or liability? Join our panel of C-suites, investors, and financiers as they discuss how IA/IP factor into key investment decisions.



Ms Dawn Tan
CNA Presenter


Dan Herman

Mr Dan Herman
Chief Executive Officer
Intellectual Property Ontario

Mr Kok Ping Soon

Mr Kok Ping Soon
Chief Executive Officer
Singapore Business Federation

Justin St. George

Mr Justin St. George


Mr Murli Ravi
Tin Men Capital

Clarence Tan.png

Mr Clarence Tan
Managing Partner
Origgin Ventures

Panel 1B – The Successful Alternative: Dispute Resolution for IP and Tech

In today’s globalised world, innovation has become increasingly collaborative, yet competitive. The global race for the next big thing has spun a sharp rise in IP and technology-related disputes internationally. IP filing strategies alone no longer suffice for innovative enterprises seeking growth or market dominance. Now more than ever, there is a need to resolve IP and tech disputes expediently without disrupting valuable commercial relationships. A survey by the Singapore International Dispute Resolution Academy (SIDRA) points to speed and impartiality as key considerations across dispute resolution mechanisms, including alternative dispute resolution (ADR). Against this backdrop, this panel examines the pros and cons of ADR options for resolving IP and technology disputes, including the considerations in selecting jurisdictions for legal actions.

Join our esteemed panel of experts, who will share their insights on the unique challenges of IP and technology disputes, and the features of a robust dispute resolution ecosystem, including cutting-edge dispute resolution initiatives in IP destinations like Singapore.


Stanley Lai

Dr Stanley Lai SC
Partner, Head of IP Practice and Co-Head of Cybersecurity and Data Protection Practice, Allen and Gledhill LLP
Chairman, IPOS



Dr Annabelle Bennett AC SC
Consultant Barrister (Senior Counsel) and Mediator/Arbitrator

Ignacio de Castro

Mr Ignacio de Castro
WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center

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Mr Alan Fan
Vice President and Head of Intellectual Property Rights Department
Huawei Technologies

Jonathan Lim

Mr Jonathan Lim

Ilija Pjanovic

Dr Ilija Pjanovic
Global Head of Intellectual Property, Senior Director IP


Tea Break


Panel 2A – The Start-up IP Playbook: What Every Founder Should Know

In today's fiercely competitive startup landscape, IP stands out as a vital differentiator for securing funding and ensuring successful exits. Recent data revealed that European startups applying for patents and/or trade marks in their initial seed or early growth stages were up to 10.2 times more likely to secure funding from investors. Additionally, the filing of patent and/or trade mark applications correlated with a more than twofold higher likelihood of a successful exit for investors. Other forms of IP such as copyright and registered designs can also be equally valuable for startups.

Registering IP like patents and trade marks may be the first step in managing IP for startups. Beyond IP registrations, how should startups manage their IP as a business? Our panel of seasoned founders, accelerators, and investors will draw from their own experiences, offering insights and practical advice to guide startups in sidestepping common pitfalls and establishing a robust foundation for attracting investment and scaling their business.


Tom Phillips

Mr Tom Phillips
World Intellectual Property Review and Life Sciences Intellectual Property Review


Dr Koh Shuwen

Dr Koh Shuwen
Director, Innovation Transfer Office, National University Health System
Director, Technology Transfer and Innovation, National University of Singapore

Mr Aditya Mathur

Mr Aditya Mathur
Founder and Managing Director

Mr Raghav Narayan

Mr Raghav Narayan

Dr Buzz Palmer

Dr Buzz Palmer
Co-Founder and CEO
MedTech Actuator

Mr Akbar Vahidi

Mr Akbar Vahidi
Co-Founder and CTO

Panel 2B – The Open Secret: Embracing Innovation vs Safeguarding Confidentiality

Recent high-profile cases of leaked company secrets on generative AI (GenAI) systems such as ChatGPT serve as stark reminders of the potential risks that businesses face in protecting their sensitive data. While we embrace new technological advancements and applications, including a shift towards an open innovation environment, such security incidents underscore the need for robust legal frameworks to protect strategic business assets. In today’s rapidly advancing technological landscape, safeguarding trade secrets and confidential information has never been more crucial. This panel addresses the latest trends and developments surrounding the intersection of technology, innovation, and legislation.


Prof David Llewelyn

Prof David Llewelyn
Professor of Law, Singapore Management University
Managing Director, David Llewelyn & Co LLC



Prof Daryl Lim
H. Laddie Montague Jr. Chair in Law, and Associate Dean for Research and Innovation
Founding Director of IP Law and Innovation Initiative, Penn State Dickinson Law

Lim Ren Jun

Mr Lim Ren Jun
Baker McKenzie Wong & Leow

Patrick Patnode

Mr Patrick Patnode
President of GE Licensing

Ms Welly Tantono

Ms Welly Tantono
Group General Counsel


Networking Dinner

Day 2, 28 August 2024 | Wednesday




Plenary 2 – The Crossroads of IP: Man or Machine in the Age of AI?

2023 was undoubtedly the breakout year for artificial intelligence with the advent of Generative AI. In the preceding five years, more than half a million AI-related patent applications were filed in the US alone. AI is projected to contribute up to US$15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030. Whilst AI continues to power innovations and transform the way we work and live, the technology has also raised several questions regarding the traditional application of IP laws. Various stakeholders stand gathered at the crossroads of AI and the IP regime as the development of AI reaches an inflection point. Might AI be recognised as a creator? Must creators only be human? Is it tenable for the IP system to continue supporting AI innovation while holding on to the tenet that only human beings can be inventors, designers, authors and creators? Join us as this plenary discusses the multi-faceted issues contemplating the IP system in the age of AI.


Prof Simon Chesterman

Prof Simon Chesterman
Vice Provost (Educational Innovation) and Dean (NUS College)


david Kappos

Mr David Kappos
Cravath, Swaine and Moore LLP

Kim Hee Eun

Ms Kim Hee-Eun
Director (Competition Policy, APAC)

Denise Wong

Ms Denise Wong
ACE (Data Protection and Innovation) and Deputy Commissioner (Personal Data Protection Commission)


Tea Break


Plenary 3 – The Economics of IP: Costs or Benefits for Businesses and Policymakers?

As companies strive to gain a competitive edge in the marketplace by investing in intangible assets, they increasingly rely on IP to protect these assets. Global IP applications have surged over the last decade, with patent applications reaching 3.5 million, and trademark applications reaching 15.5 million in 2022. This surge, together with the rapid digitalization worldwide, is generating a wealth of data on IP and innovation activities. How can these data be used to generate insights that support decision-making by business and governments? Join us as we explore the economics of IP, and learn from leading international economists and consultants on the importance of IP data and economic analysis in informing decision-making by businesses and governments.


Carsten Fink

Dr Carsten Fink
Chief Economist
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)


Ms Wendi Backler

Ms Wendi Backler
Partner and Director
Boston Consulting Group

Dr Michael Falk

Dr Michael Falk
Chief Economist
IP Australia


Dr Andrew Toole
Chief Economist
United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)



Business Track
The Value of Intangible Assets

A collaboration with ACRA

Legal Track


Fireside Chat
The New Value Driver: The Role of Intangible Assets in Driving the Future Economy
(2.00pm - 2.45pm) 

Global corporate R&D spending has quadrupled over the last two decades to hit a record high of EUR 1.3 trillion in 2022. Businesses are increasingly prioritising investment into intangible assets over tangible assets. It has been found that companies investing more in intangible assets are associated with higher growth. The traditional notions of wealth and value are undergoing a profound shift, where intangible assets have emerged as the new engines of value creation. How do intangible assets drive innovation, competitiveness and long-term growth in the future economy? What role might international organisations have in helping economies and companies use their intangible assets for growth? Join the heads of the international organisations for valuation and intellectual property in this fireside chat as they explore the challenges and opportunities presented by this paradigm shift.


Mr Lie Kok Keong

Mr Lie Kok Keong
Council Chairman
Institute of Valuers and Appraisers, Singapore (IVAS)


Mrs Lim Hwee Hua

Mrs Lim Hwee Hua
Chair, Board of Trustees
International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC)


Mr Daren Tang
Director General
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

Panel 3B – The Judges’ Panel: Insights on Global IP Cases
(2.00pm - 3.30pm)

This panel brings together distinguished judges from various jurisdictions to share their insights on thorny issues confronting the IP fraternity. The judges will focus on topical issues, and where possible discuss these issues in the context of recent judgments from their respective jurisdictions.


Mark Lim.png

Mr Mark Lim
Director (Hearings and Mediation Department) and Chief Legal Counsel


Justice Dedar Singh Gill

Justice Dedar Singh Gill
High Court of Singapore

Lord Justice Colin Birss

Lord Justice Colin Birss
Court of Appeal of England and Wales


Dr Annabelle Bennett AC SC
Consultant Barrister (Senior Counsel) and Mediator/Arbitrator

Dr Klaus Grabinski

Dr Klaus Grabinski
President of the Court of Appeal of the Unified Patent Court


Panel 3A – The Future Unicorn: The New World of Intangible Asset Finance
(2.45pm - 3.45pm)

In 2023, global intangible asset (IA) value stood at USD 61.9 trillion, or more than half of global GDP. The modus operandi of international finance, which places emphasis on tangible assets such as property, must evolve. With over 1,200 unicorns worldwide, most of which are driven by IA, global investment firms have been on the race to spot the next unicorn. Traditional lenders, including banks, are also catching up on IA financing. How might the international finance system evolve to support the growth of future unicorns? How should financiers, practitioners and business owners consider IA credit analysis, valuation, risk, and due diligence? Join us, as our panel of experts discuss the new world of IA financing.


Mr Ashish McLaren

Mr Ashish McLaren
Managing Director
Kroll Singapore



Mr Martin Brassell
CEO and Co-Founder

Choi Chul

Prof Choi Chul
Professor of Law
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

Mr Terence Koh

Mr Terence Koh
Managing Director, Sector Solutions Group, Group Wholesale Banking

Ms Lally Rementilla

Ms Lally Rementilla
Managing Partner, Intellectual Property-Backed Financing
BDC Capital


Tea Break
(3.45pm - 4.15pm)

Tea Break
(3.30pm - 4.00pm)


Panel 4A – The Right Price: Capturing the Full Value of Intangibles
(4.15pm - 5.30pm)

Seven U.S. tech behemoths, affectionately named the “Magnificent Seven”, single-handedly drive the rise and fall of the S&P 500 in recent times. They are leaders in cutting-edge technology and their market dominance reflects the substantial share of value driven by intangible assets in the modern economy. As intangible assets such as Artificial Intelligence and other frontier technology play an increasingly important role in modern value creation, the valuation ecosystem and profession need to keep pace. What would it take to achieve credible and trusted intangible asset valuation? Do we need to enhance the intangible asset information available to valuers, build intangible asset valuation guidelines, align practices across markets or others? Join experts on this panel as they discuss what it would take to get the price or value right for intangible assets.


Mr Alex Tan

Mr Alex Tan
Zico Capital



Dr Stephen Ho
Group Chief Executive Officer & Executive Director
SkyLab Holding Pte Ltd

Mr Keoy Soo Earn

Mr Keoy Soo Earn
Global Consulting Deloitte Private Leader and Southeast Asia Deloitte Private and Private Equity Leader

Ms Ong Leyu

Ms Ong Leyu
Director, Equity Capital Markets

Mr Chris Polson

Mr Chris Polson
Partner, PWC Canada
Vice Chair of the CBV Institute

Panel 4B - The Court In Action: Roleplay on the Simplified Process
(4.00pm - 5.30pm)

The “Simplified Process for Certain IP Claims” seeks to increase access to justice by ensuring that costs and time spent are kept proportionate to the complexity and value of a claim. Its special features — aimed towards completing the trial within 2 days — include caps on costs and monetary remedies, active case management, and early identification of issues by the judge. These measures are intended to help SMEs and individuals of limited means enforce IPRs or defend themselves. The Simplified Process is inspired by the UK IP Enterprise Court, which has seen success in making IP litigation in the UK efficient and effective.

The Honorable Justice Dedar Singh Gill, Lead Judge of the specialised IP/IT list in the High Court, will preside over the roleplay. Attendees will gain a first-hand appreciation of the salient features of the Simplified Process, and enjoy the rare opportunity to pose questions to his Honour at the end of the roleplay.


Justice Dedar Singh Gill

Justice Dedar Singh Gill
High Court of Singapore

Mr Mok Ho Fai

Mr Mok Ho Fai
Content Protection Counsel, APAC (Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment)
Motion Picture Association

Ms Christine Saw

Ms Christine Saw
Bird & Bird ATMD LLP

Ms Gladys Tan

Ms Gladys Tan
David Llewelyn & Co LLC

Mr Just Wang

Mr Just Wang
Associate General Counsel (IP and Content)


Closing Reception